Sunday, May 8, 2011

mother's day & a phone call from alabama

mother's day was fabulous.  we began in church where caroline and katelyn brown played a beautiful violin duet accompanied by stacey.  they really did an amazing job.  president eyring had tears in his eyes at the first note and confirmed to caroline after the meeting that she had him at the first note.  caroline was so nervous before the meeting she said she was going to throw up, but she made it!

i had a mother's day nap and the texas rangers cooperated with my master plan by losing badly to the yankees.  we opened presents and i got great loot and great cards from my great kids and husband.  one of my presents was an amazing scrapbook complete with pictures and pages of handwritten answers to questions like, "a favorite memory of you" and "why i am a better person because of you".  one of my favorite responses was isaac saying, "and how many moms do you think now stuff such as you, like silly stuff just as silly as if balls come first or if strikes come first."  priceless.

we had dinner at g-dawg's, which we fondly refer to as "the mother ship".  dinner was prepared lovingly by the boys of the family.  it was a racous time with grandkids running all over the place, lots of food, sunday night baseball, and a very rough game of indoor baseball.  who lets their kids play indoor baseball and football?  g-dawg.
i even got more great presents.  these beach bags with towels and other fun things was from grandma.  

towards the end of the night we got to talk with thomas.  he is happy and working hard in foley, alabama.  it was good for evan to say good-bye and the rest of us got in a few minutes of conversation as well.  we miss and love elder hamilton.