Tuesday, February 22, 2011

ganglers unite

tonight is as good a time as any to outline the fun jake is having at school this year.  he is a member of the ganglers club.  it's an unofficial group of kids who pass the "gangler test", which is a complicated maneuver that is accomplished with hands clutched together and arms have to go over their head.  if you pass it, you are a gangler.  i definitely can't do it.  in answer to the ganglers, a group of kids at the high school have gotten together to form the "stocky people" group. 

last week on jake's birthday, the stocky people declared "G cubed" day.  this is also known is "give a gangler grief" day.  the stocky people were targeting the ganglers.  they have also decided to have "stocky people appreciation day", which is making the ganglers mad because they felt like they were just targeted on G cubed day and by definition, ganglers are not planners, so they don't know how to retaliate.

one interesting fact about stocky people is that if ganglers turn sideways, the stocky people can't see them.  there are also "fanganglers", which are fat ganglers and "burly" people, which i'm not really sure about.  also, there is a difference between ganglers and lurps, which is important to know.