Friday, March 25, 2011

warm sleeping bags...

...apparently we don't have one.  scout campout tonight at crystal hot springs was fa-reezing.  doesn't sam look cold?  he woke up at 6:00 a.m. and said he practically had to sit on the fire to warm up.  i thought i had done my motherly duties and sent him with the right equipment, but he was a wee bit cold.  craig is off today to buy us a few warm type sleeping bags.

we had fun tonight meeting some old friends at market street broiler for dinner.  craig smith has been a friend and tennis partner of craig's for many years.  the smiths live in pleasant grove and our kids are all about the same age.  it was fun to catch up.  we asked them what was new and got the simple, boring answer, "well, craig donated his kidney last year".  hmmm, not your average run-of-the-mill answer.

i am sick to death of snow.  we got a foot today.  yes, a foot.  it's almost april and snow is still covering the ground here on the east bench of bountiful.  it's hard to play basball in the snow.