so, i love 9:00 a.m. church. i love getting up and starting the day in sacrament meeting. i also love being "done" with church meetings at noon. today i took a nice nap and we are enjoying conference championship games. craig left for dallas this morning and what i discovered today is that being done with church at noon just gives my children endless hours to fight with each other. today i refereed a wopper of a fight between caroline and isaac. name calling and even physical contact. it's interesting to me how each person has a completely different recollection of what actually happened.
i forgot to announce yesterday that jake was selected to attend a leadership conference that will be held at valley forge, pennsylvania in march. he had to fill out an application, write an essay and go to an interview. i think it sounds really, really fun. we have to pay $300 towards the four-day trip, but the rest of his expenses will be paid by the utah freedoms foundation chapter. hopefullly this helps him on his way to his goal of being the history sterling scholar at bountiful high.
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