Thursday, January 27, 2011

tough crowd

went to an afternoon movie today with one of my besties.  there's something about skipping out on home in the middle of the day and going to a movie where only three other people are in the theater that makes my week.  we decided to do it more often.

sam had a basketball game tonight.  i was warned not to go because we were playing a team we have a long and winding history with.  he came home from his game upset because of some incidents.  i have a little experience with youth sports and i have seen my share of bad stuff going around, but i have to say that there is a group of parents in sam's age group that ruin things for everyone.  they are bad sports.  they only think about themselves.  they don't care about anybody's feelings, including the kids who are around when they display bad behavior.  i hate to be around them and i wish i never had to see them.  bountiful would be a better place without them.

craig is still in dallas.  i guess he decided today to act like a local.  steer competition and a rodeo.  he asked me what else he was going to do and i said i'd rather put my jammies on, get in bed at the hotel and watch tv than go to a rodeo.  i have allergy issues though and i don't enjoy horses.  he probably had fun.


Misty said...

Someday I'll be in the afternoon movie crowd. For now, I'm in the late, late at night crowd -- but there are still usually only 3 other people in the audience, too. See anything good?