Sunday, January 30, 2011

review of morning church

i have been waiting and waiting and waiting for two years to have morning church.  honestly, after a month of it, i'm not sure it's the best thing.  i wrote last week that there is more fighting.  that was better today because craig is back in town.  but i think people aren't very productive.  we've decided to have our main sunday meal right after church so we can get it cleaned up and out of the way.  then we have pancakes or crepes in the evening.  so today we had steak and baked potatoes.  that went well.  then we read scriptures because it's hard to do later.  then what?  well, i took a nap.  and truthfully, i'm not sure what anyone else did.  i think caroline embroidered something while watching lord of the rings for the 1,000th time (not kidding).  jake probably studied because he's always productive.  craig definitely did something productive.  i've got to be a better sunday mother.  i will resolve to make next sunday more spiritual.  oops, next week is the super bowl, definitely not going to outdo today's spirituality.  ok, the next week.


Schmath said...

Sundays were made for naps. There's no shame in a good nap.

Julie said...

Naps? What are those?

Sundee's are indeed the best day for naps. Nothing that needs to be confessed to the Bishop. I have an idea, when I get home, you can be more productive by babysitting my children while I take a Sunday nap.

Sound good? Who wouldn't want to babysit a crazy 3 year old?

Claudine Cable said...

Sounds like a great Sunday to me.