Wednesday, October 19, 2011

reality bites

we had a glimmer of hope yesterday when jake texted and said his foot was feeling so much better, could he tape it and finish the football season?  because the "specialist" was so squirmy about being 100 percent sure that jake had a broken bone, i decided i should get one more opinion.  just to prove that i'm a good mom and all.  plus, if someone is going to end their high school football career on an injury, it's best to make sure the doctor is right.  i called my trusty podiatrist who has seen us through snake bites, numerous ingrown toenails, warts, tendinitis, and plantar fascitis.  dr. anderson to the rescue.  after a description of the events of the last few days, he told us to come in this morning and he'd take a look, but he admitted being skeptical about the "break".

so you can see, i got my hopes all up that we might get to see jake play football again.  it took dr. anderson all of 10 seconds to look at the x-ray and notify us that indeed the foot is very fractured, cannot be walked on, let alone played football on.  furthermore, being noncompliant about the boot will result in surgery.  boo. and not cause it's halloween.  so bad news is bad the first time, but it's worse the second time.

to further ruin my day, i got a call from dr. folland saying that the blood he took from jeter yesterday came back abnormal.  he had elevated levels of three different things.  he started asking me questions about jete's activity level and other symptoms and i suddenly realized how much this little pup has grown on me.  he's such a sweet dog.  jury is still out on jeter's health.  he may have something called addison's disease, which seems to be treatable with hormones, but still, it has me a little worried.