Tuesday, October 18, 2011

today was a day

let's just say that when i finally got home today around 2:30, i got in my bed, pulled the covers up and fell asleep.  silly?  i know.  but i packed so much into the hours between 8:00 and 2:30 that i found myself exhausted.

isaac threw a wrench in things by having breathing problems to start the day off.  i went to the gym for 90 minutes.  while there, got a phone call from sick-boy asking for a keva juice.  left the gym, got a keva juice, delivered it at home.  had 20 minutes to shower and dress before leaving for the doctor.  spent a depressing 45 minutes there hoping to solve my metabolism problems.  didn't happen.  ran to dick's to get isaac some heavy-hitting meds to get him breathing again, delivered said meds at home.  stopped at five stores for various purchases and returns.  picked up dogs at the vet.  stopped at one more store.  then the crash.

after recovery, i was able to cook dinner while watching the presidential debate (which was very interesting, especially with mitt in the thick of things).  never even saw jake and caroline until after 8:00 when their debate tournament ended.  and isaac had a football scrimmage (which in a bad parenting move, i allowed him to attend even though he had skipped school).  craig provided parental support at the scrimmage.

whew.  i guess i wouldn't trade days like this, but i don't wanna have one every day!