Sunday, December 20, 2009

Too Tired to ... Do Anything!

Grandma Davis had a sleep over the first Sunday night after Christmas vacation started. Caroline played with her girl cousins. They watched movies, made stuff, played games, chased each other, and got a little bit of sleep. Caroline pushed a red button on Grandma's smoke alarm in the play room when it began to chirp. Instead of quieting the smoke alarm, the button sent it into full alert mode. I believe this happened around 3:00 a.m. Glad I wasn't there.

The boys only wanted to play Halo on X-Box in the home theater all night long. Jake was skiing the next day, so he responsibly (?) went to sleep around 4:oo a.m. Sam had basketball practice the next morning, so he responsibily (?) went to sleep around 3:30 a.m. Isaac had nothing, so he just never went to sleep.

The next day he fell asleep in the car on the way home (while Grandma was looking at him asleep in the car she rear ended someone). Then he had a friend over and fell asleep while his friend was here (asking me later if his friend had even come over or if he had dreamed it). Then he fell asleep on his bed, walked in his sleep up to the mudroom and fell asleep on the bench.

I hesitated to include the photos of Isaac sacked out in the mudroom because of the absoluately filthy handprints and fingerprints all over the door behind him. I included it anyway, but in my defense I did have surgery this month. I'm not sure the surgery is really an excuse for my housekeeping, but I will use it anyway.


Melissa said...

LOL That's so funny and sad.
I think it's a crack up that he didn't know if his friend 'really' came or not.
Great times with Grandma.