Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Games

Sam has played mostly on baseball teams that are mainly Mormons.  This year he is on a team that is mainly Catholic.  He's enjoying this team as much as any he has been on, but the change in primary religion, brought a change in tournment schedule.  Before I figured out what was going on, we were signed up to play on Sunday in the President's Day tournament.  We felt that since baseball is a team sport and Sam was so valuable to his team on defense, we were obliged to play.  We did have rain, but no one got struck by lightning.

We won the first game and lost the second game on one pitch that turned into a 3-run home run.  We found out later that the two teams we lost to made it all the way to the finals.  We could have beat either team, so that's hard to swallow.

When we figured out we wouldn't be playing on Monday, we decided to drive home.  Craig has to go to Florida and that was best for his schedule.  Also, I've been taking pain pills for my foot and I obviously can't drive on pain pills. 

We heard from Evan on the way home.  He had another great week, but cut his own hair.