Sunday, January 8, 2012

Frustrated in Japan

This morning we had Stake Conference.  Lots of good stuff in conference this weekend.  Now if we can only apply it...

It's a bonus to be out of church by noon.  I took a nap with the doggies.  I'm not sure who lovess those naps more, me or the dogs.  We watched wild card games and most people were happy with the Giants and the Broncos winning.  We had Grandma and Ryan over for hamburgers on the grill.  Caroline made her famous chocolate chip cookies so she was popular. 

Sundays are the night we get e-mails from Evan and we are usually able to chat via e-mail for a bit.  He had a very frustrating week.  His companion won't talk to him and doesn't want to work very much.  I know that he is growing from these trials, but it's hard to see him suffer through them.  Since most wards had fast Sunday today (ours is next week), we had decided yesterday to fast with our extended family for Evan because he has been frustrated with his Japanese.  I'm grateful that we fasted when we did because it sounds like he needed a lift and I know our faith and prayers will help him with his Japanese and also with his trials. 


Melissa said...

I read this out to Dru and he goes 'Ah yep, I remember those days on the mission'
I guess he had a comp. who was the same and it made some days quite lonely.
We hope things get better for Even, poor dude. I'm sure the fasting helped.
Nice pic. of pugs.